Ass.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Stöckl ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der IDEA Beratungs- und Forschungsgesellschaft mbH und Assistenzprofessor für Accounting & Finance an der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg in Österreich.
Weiterhin ist Dr. Stöckl Autor zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Artikel, welche in hochrangigen internationalen Fachzeitschriften erschienen sind. Ferner ist er Autor von Standardlehrwerken, wie bspw. dem Lehrbuch "Wertpapiermanagement: Professionelle Wertpapieranalyse und Portfoliostrukturierung (Handelsblatt-Bücher)".

- CBS International Business School, ESM Akademie, IHK Akademie Schwaben, IU International University, Universität Augsburg, ZWW (Zentrum für Weiterbildung und Wissenstransfer)
Auswahl an Veröffentlichungen:
“Determinants of Corporate Hedging: A (Statistical) Meta-Analysis“, with Arnold, M. and Rathgeber, A. In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 54, 4, 2014, pp. 443-458.
- “Digitale Transformation des Private Equity Investmentprozesses”, with Stützner, D. S. In: Corporate Finance 5, 5-6, 2021, pp. 147-151.
“Economic development matters: A meta-regression analysis on the relation between environmental management and financial performance”, with Geyer-Klingeberg, J., Hang, M., Rathgeber, A. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology (doi:10.1111/jiec.12573).
“Financial modeling applying multivariate Levy processes: new insights into estimation and simulation”, with Rathgeber, A. and Stadler, J. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 532, 2019 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.121386).
“Fitting Generalized Hyperbolic processes – new insights for generating initial values”, with Rathgeber, A. and Stadler, J. In: Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46, 7, 2017, pp. 5752-5762.
"Negative Externalities of Agriculture: A Meta-Analysis on the External Effects of Food Production focusing on Global Climate Impacts", with Gaugler, T. and Rathgeber, A. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 276, 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122575).
“Pricing anomaly at the first sight: Same borrower in different currencies faces different credit spreads - An explanation by means of a quanto option”, with Rathgeber, A. and Rudolph, D. In: Review of Derivatives Research, 18, 2, 2015, pp. 107-143.
“Pricing fx forwards in OTC markets – new evidence of pricing mechanism when faced with counterparty risk”, with Leonhardt, A., Rathgeber, A. and Stadler, J. In: Applied Economics (formerly Applied Financial Economics), 47, 27, 2015, pp. 2860-2877.
"Rather Complements than Substitutes: Firm Value Effects of Capital Structure and Financial Hedging Decisions", with Geyer-Klingeberg, J., Hang, M. and Rathgeber, A. In: International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2020, 1-23 (https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.2045).
“Übungsbuch zu Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung“, with Rathgeber, A., Schulz, M. and Wagner, M. Publisher Vahlen GmbH, Munich 2017.
“Value orientation in process management – Research gap and contribution to economically well-founded decisions in process management”, with Buhl, H. U., Braunwarth, K. and Röglinger, M. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 3, 3, 2011, pp. 163-172.
“Wertpapiermanagement”, with Steiner, M. and Bruns, C. Schäffer-Poeschel publisher, 11th edition, Stuttgart 2017.
“Wertpapiermanagement”, with Steiner, M. and Bruns, C. Schäffer-Poeschel publisher, 10th edition, Stuttgart 2012.
“What do we really know about corporate hedging? A multimethod meta-analytical study”, with Geyer-Klingeberg, J., Hang, M., Rathgeber, A. and Walter, M. In: Business Research, 11, 1, 2018, pp. 1-31.